BU Today

Thursday, July 20th

Top Headlines

He Rode For Charity. He Got A Lot More.

Questrom’s Mark Williams pedals across America for Bikes Not Bombs

audience listening to band perform outdoors

Free Concert Tonight at Somerville’s Assembly Row

Chris Kazarian, Griffin Robillard to play Baxter Park Amphitheater

rendering of Comm Ave bridge construction

MassDOT Construction to Close Comm Ave Bridge for Two-Plus Weeks

Late-July project will redirect traffic to side streets

People over 65 who sleep longer than nine hours each night may be showing early signs of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, according to research by Sudha Seshadri, a MED professor of neurology.

MED Researchers: Too Much Sleep Could Signal Dementia

More than nine hours a night might spell trouble for the elderly

Featured Video
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animation of Deniz Hallik sitting on a park bench

Lost and Found: Deniz Hallik, Turkey

Thousands of international students come to study in US colleges every year, 3,000 at BU alone. Leaving everything familiar—family, friends, their culture—behind can be hard, but even harder may be building a new life for themselves. Watch the second story in our new animated series “Lost and Found,” about using art to beat depression.

Upcoming Events
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Ward's Berry Farm CSA Pickup

July 20 at 11:30 am
George Sherman Union Plaza, 775 Commonwealth Ave.

Spiritual Life Yoga

July 20 at 2:30 pm
Robinson Chapel, Marsh Chapel basement, 735 Commonwealth Ave.

Seven Steps to Managing Your Memory

July 25 at 6:00 pm
Goddard House Assisted Living, 165 Chestnut St., Brookline

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Series Spotlight
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In the wake of the June 12 attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Fla., that left 49 dead and another 53 injured—the worst mass shooting in the nation’s history—BU’s School of Public Health is launching Enough, a video and social media campaign consisting of four videos. In each, a faculty member speaks out about access to guns in the United States and the culture of hate that exists in some segments of society.

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A man holds a sign «#enough gun violence» while attending a vigil in Orlando, Florida 13 June 2016.

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