Organizing Tips (April 02, 2019)
Look for ways to fit exercise into your daily routine. This will keep you healthy as you do your chores. If you have any handy organizing or self-improvement tips, please share them with us.

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Today's Featured Post

Daily All-Purpose Walk

By katrine2706

A wooden hanging bridge surrounded by plants.Every day, I take my daily walk as my exercise. I walk to where I wait for the bus and when I arrive in the city, I walk my way to the office. I do that every morning and afternoon as I head home. One way would give me an estimated total of 20 minute exercise.

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Today's Guides
Uses for Pop Tabs
Tabs from pop or other aluminum drink cans.
Saving Money On Clothing
Ten Dollar Bargain Clothes Bin
Organizing Towels
Organizing Towels
Uses for Leftover Wrapping Paper
Crumbled red and yellow wrapping paper
Saving Time by Planning Errands
Someone pushing a shopping cart quickly.
Storing Mushrooms
Small Pile of Button Mushrooms
Today's Posts

Using Colored Stitch Markers as Hook Size Indicators

By Theresa

A collection of colored stitch markers with numbers denoted.I have over 200 plastic stitch markers from China (cheaper that way and they seldom snag the yarn). Someone showed me to mark a few of them with hook sizes (G, H, I, J). Some ladies put the metric size (4.00, 4.5, 5.00, 5.5). This helps to remember what size hook you are using with a project when you have multiple projects going at once.

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Attach Tape To Dust Pan

By coville123

Attach Tape To Dust PanHave you ever noticed when you pick up dirt with the dust pan, there is a line of dirt left behind. Just attach tape to your dust pan and it will catch all the dirt.

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Be Your Own Houseguest

By Marsha Fleenor

When our children and grands are visiting, we give up our bedroom for them and we sleep on a comfortable queen-size air mattress somewhere else. I pack myself a suitcase of everything I need while they are here - all the clothes, jewelry, and shoes.

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