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Isaiah 66

The People of the Lord’s New Creation

66 This is what Yahweh says:

Heaven is my throne.
The earth is my footstool.
Where can you build a house or resting place for me?
I have made all these things.
“That is why all these things have come into being,”
declares Yahweh.
I will pay attention to those
who are humble and sorry for their sins
and who tremble at my word.

Whoever kills a bull is like someone who kills a person.
Whoever sacrifices a lamb is like someone who breaks a dog’s neck.
Whoever offers a grain sacrifice
is like someone who offers pig’s blood.
Whoever burns incense is like someone who worships an idol.
People have certainly chosen their own ways,
and their souls delight in detestable things.

So I will choose harsh treatment for them
and bring on them what they fear.
I called, but no one answered.
I spoke, but they didn’t listen.
They did what I consider evil.
They chose what I don’t like.

Listen to the word of Yahweh, all who tremble at his word.

Your relatives, who hate you and exclude you for my name’s sake, say,
“Let Yahweh show his glory; then we will see your joy.”
But they will be put to shame.
Listen to the uproar from the city.
Listen to the sound from the temple.
It is the sound of Yahweh
paying back his enemies as they deserve.

Before a woman goes into labor, she gives birth.
Before she has labor pains, she delivers a child.
Who has heard of such a thing?
Who has seen such things?
Can a country be born in one day?
Can a nation be born in a moment?
When Zion went into labor,
she also gave birth to her children.
“Do I bring a mother to the moment of birth
and not let her deliver?” asks Yahweh.
“Do I cause a mother to deliver
and then make her unable to have children?” asks your Elohim.
10 All who love Jerusalem, be happy and rejoice with her.
All who mourn for her, be glad with her.
11 You will nurse and be satisfied from her comforting breasts.
You will nurse to your heart’s delight at her full breasts.

12 This is what Yahweh says:

I will offer you peace like a river
and the wealth of the nations like an overflowing stream.
You will nurse and be carried in Jerusalem’s arms
and cuddled on her knees.
13 As a mother comforts her child,
so will I comfort you.
You will be comforted in Jerusalem.
14 When you see it, your heart will rejoice
and you will flourish like new grass.
The power of Yahweh will be made known to his servants,
but he will condemn his enemies.
15 Yahweh will come with fire
and with his chariots like a thunderstorm.
He will pay them back with his burning anger
and punish them with flames of fire.
16 Yahweh will judge with fire,
and he will judge all people with his sword.
Many people will be struck dead by Yahweh.

17 People make themselves holy
and prepare themselves for their garden rituals.
They go into the garden
and devour pork, disgusting things, and mice.
“They will come to an end at the same time,”
declares Yahweh.
18 Because of their actions and their thoughts,
I am coming to gather the nations of every language.
They will come and see my glory.
19 I will set up a sign among them
and send some of their survivors to the nations:
to Tarshish, Put and Lud, Meshech, Rosh, Tubal, Javan,
and to the distant coastlands
who have not heard of my fame or seen my glory.
They will tell about my glory among the nations.
20 They will bring all your relatives
from every nation like a grain offering to Yahweh.
“They will come on horses, in chariots, in wagons,
on mules and camels to my holy mountain, Jerusalem,”
declares Yahweh.
They will come like the people of Israel who bring
their grain offerings in clean dishes to Yahweh’s temple.
21 “I will make some of them priests and Levites,” declares Yahweh.
22 “The new heaven and earth that I am about to make
will continue in my presence,” declares Yahweh.
“So your descendants and your name
will also continue in my presence.
23 From one month to the next and from one week to the next
all people will come to worship me,” declares Yahweh.
24 Then they will go out
and look at the corpses of those who have rebelled against me.
The worms that eat them will not die.
The fire that burns them will not go out.
All humanity will be disgusted by them.

Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.

Philippians 3

Run Straight Toward the Goal

Now then, brothers and sisters, be joyful in the Lord. It’s no trouble for me to write the same things to you, and it’s for your safety. Beware of dogs! Beware of those who do evil things. Beware of those who insist on circumcision. We are the true circumcised people of God because we serve God’s Spirit and take pride in Christ Yeshua. We don’t place any confidence in physical things, although I could have confidence in my physical qualifications. If anyone else thinks that he can trust in something physical, I can claim even more. I was circumcised on the eighth day. I’m a descendant of Israel. I’m from the tribe of Benjamin. I’m a pure-blooded Hebrew. When it comes to following Jewish laws, I was a Pharisee. When it comes to being enthusiastic, I was a persecutor of the church. When it comes to winning God’s approval by obeying Jewish laws, I was perfect.

These things that I once considered valuable, I now consider worthless for Christ. It’s far more than that! I consider everything else worthless because I’m much better off knowing Christ Yeshua my Lord. It’s because of him that I think of everything as worthless. I threw it all away in order to gain Christ and to have a relationship with him. This means that I didn’t receive God’s approval by obeying his laws. The opposite is true! I have God’s approval through faith in Christ. This is the approval that comes from God and is based on faith 10 that knows Christ. Faith knows the power that his coming back to life gives and what it means to share his suffering. In this way I’m becoming like him in his death, 11 with the confidence that I’ll come back to life from the dead.

12 It’s not that I’ve already reached the goal or have already completed the course. But I run to win that which Yeshua Christ has already won for me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I can’t consider myself a winner yet. This is what I do: I don’t look back, I lengthen my stride, and 14 I run straight toward the goal to win the prize that God’s heavenly call offers in Christ Yeshua.

15 Whoever has a mature faith should think this way. And if you think differently, God will show you how to think. 16 However, we should be guided by what we have learned so far.

Imitate Me

17 Brothers and sisters, imitate me, and pay attention to those who live by the example we have given you. 18 I have often told you, and now tell you with tears in my eyes, that many live as the enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 In the end they will be destroyed. Their own emotions are their god, and they take pride in the shameful things they do. Their minds are set on worldly things. 20 We, however, are citizens of heaven. We look forward to the Lord Yeshua Christ coming from heaven as our Savior. 21 Through his power to bring everything under his authority, he will change our humble bodies and make them like his glorified body.

Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.

Psalm 74

Psalm 74

A maskil by Asaph.

Why, O Elohim, have you rejected us forever?
Why does your anger
smolder against the sheep in your care?

Remember your congregation.
Long ago you made it your own.
You bought this tribe to be your possession.
This tribe is Mount Zion, where you have made your home.
Turn your steps toward these pathetic ruins.
The enemy has destroyed everything in the holy temple.

Your opponents have roared inside your meeting place.
They have set up their own emblems as symbols.
Starting from its entrance, they hacked away
like a woodcutter in a forest.
They smashed all its carved paneling with axes and hatchets.
They burned your holy place to the ground.
They dishonored the place where you live among us.
They said to themselves, “We will crush them.”
They burned every meeting place of El in the land.

We no longer see miraculous signs.
There are no prophets anymore.
No one knows how long this will last.
10 How long, O Elohim, will the enemy insult us?
Will the enemy despise you forever?
11 Why do you hold back your hand, especially your right hand?
Take your hands out of your pockets.
Destroy your enemies!

12 And yet, from long ago Elohim has been my Melek,
the one who has been victorious throughout the earth.
13 You stirred up the sea with your own strength.
You smashed the heads of sea monsters in the water.
14 You crushed the heads of Leviathan
and gave them to the creatures of the desert for food.
15 You opened the springs and brooks.
You dried up the ever-flowing rivers.
16 The day and the night are yours.
You set the moon and the sun in their places.
17 You determined all the boundaries of the earth.
You created summer and winter.

18 Remember how the enemy insulted you, O Yahweh.
Remember how an entire nation of godless fools despised your name.
19 Do not hand over the soul of your dove to wild animals.
Do not forget the life of your oppressed people forever.
20 Consider your promise
because every dark corner of the land is filled with violence.
21 Do not let oppressed people come back in disgrace.
Let weak and needy people praise your name.
22 Arise, O Elohim!
Fight for your own cause!
Remember how godless fools insult you all day long.
23 Do not forget the shouting of your opponents.
Do not forget the uproar made by those who attack you.

Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.

Proverbs 24:15-16

15 You wicked one,
do not lie in ambush at the home of a righteous person.
Do not rob his house.
16 A righteous person may fall seven times, but he gets up again.
However, in a disaster wicked people fall.

Names of God Bible (NOG)

The Names of God Bible (without notes) © 2011 by Baker Publishing Group.

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