Scroll The Daily Brief is free. But it takes money, labour and time to produce the journalism you see here. Do consider signing up as a Scroll member if you haven’t already. The US president’s attacks on vulnerable groups and focus on his base will continue. But this time they are underpinned by preparedness for action. Leaders of the Congress said the state, which funded the construction of the college, stands to lose out in the deal. By making direct arms purchases, New Delhi is missing out on the opportunity to acquire technology and to bolster its manufacturing capabilities. ‘When we say Brahmin, it is a matter of pride,’ Justice Krishna S Dixit said. The carcasses were too decomposed to determine the cause of death, but experts suggested the animals were likely strangled in the nets of illegal trawlers. An excerpt from ‘The World After Gaza’, by Pankaj Mishra. Rohan Parashuram Kanawade’s feature debut will be globally premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Follow the Scroll channel on WhatsApp for a curated selection of the news that matters throughout the day, and a round-up of major developments in India and around the world every evening. What you won’t get: Spam. See this post on web |