Good evening folks, We've reached day 50 of lockdown and a lot has happened in that period. We hope you are all staying safe and limiting time outside to essential trips or daily exercise. The main stories in Scotland today have concerned follow-up to last night's revelation about the coronavirus outbreak at the Nike conference in Edinburgh in February, as well as the First Minister's announcement of an additional £50m to help the struggling care sector. Today, we also published the first results from our survey, asking our readers their thoughts on lockdown. Thank you for taking part. Here are the headlines this evening: - A further 50 people who had tested positive for the virus have died, taking the total to 1,912 in Scotland by that measure
- 13,763 people have now tested positive for Covid-19 in Scotland
- More than 70 per cent of Scotsman readers want to see moves to ease restrictions around visiting family and friends ahead of the re-opening of workplaces, a new survey has found.
- The First Minister has announced an additional £50m of funding for the care sector to help meet costs
- Nicola Sturgeon has rejected accusations of a "cover up" over the first cases of coronavirus in Scotland
- Scottish tourism chiefs have admitted that the whole summer may have to be written off by businesses and that the industry may not be fully up and running again until 2021.
- UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak has confirmed the coronavirus job retention scheme will be extended to the end of October, but changes will be made
- The total number of deaths from the virus in the UK is believed to be more than 50,000
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