Telegram will introduce ads, TikTok’s parent company is moving into drug discovery and President Trump continues his battle against Section 230. This is your Daily Crunch for December 23, 2020. |
Telegram founder Pavel Durov said the messaging app will introduce advertising next year on public one-to-many channels. Durov wrote on his Telegram channel the ad platform will be “one that is user-friendly, respects privacy and allows us to cover the costs of server and traffic.” He also pointed to premium stickers as another way that Telegram could monetize, while emphasizing that existing features will remain free and that he does not support showing ads in private chats. In addition to discussing the company’s monetization plans, Durov said that Telegram is “approaching” 500 million users. Read more |
| Image Credits: Carl Court / Getty Images |
| Image Credits: Nikola Motor Company |
| Image Credits: WeRide |
| Image Credits: Sophie Alcorn |
| Image Credits: MANDEL NGAN/AFP / Getty Images |
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