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April 1, 2021
1 John 4:7-8
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

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Russell M. Nelson
“Truth number three: God loves every one of us with perfect love.
“More than anything, our Father wants His children to choose to return home to Him. Everything He does is motivated by His yearning desire. The entire reason we are on this earth is to qualify to live with Him forever. We do that by using our agency to find and stay on the covenant path that leads back to our heavenly home.
“God knew that because of the adversary’s deceptive tactics and traps, the covenant path would not be easy to find or to stay on. So He sent His Only Begotten Son to atone for us and to show us the way. The godly power available to all who love and follow Jesus Christ is the power to heal us, strengthen us, cleanse us from sin, and magnify us to do things we could never do on our own. Our Savior is the Divine Exemplar who marked the path that we are to follow” (“The Love and Laws of God,” BYU Devotional, September 17, 2019).

To listen to President Nelson's whole talk, Click here!

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April 1, 2021
2005 - African-American Mormon Pioneer Jane Manning James was honored for her life when a monument and headstone was dedicated in the Salt Lake City Cemetery.

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Teachings of Russell M. Nelson


Read the Standard Works of the Church: The Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants/Pearl of Great Price, Old Testament and New Testament, in one year by following our Daily Reading Schedule.

On The Bright Side
J. Golden Kimball: “I love God, and I love God because He is a God of love, because he is a God of kindness, a God of forgiveness, for He has provided an opportunity that with all our weaknesses, we can repent. And if you take from me the joy, the happiness, the peace and forgiveness, for heaven’s sake, what have I left? I would not give you a nickle for the whole thing. I love this work.” (The Golden Legacy, A Folk History of J. Golden Kimball, by Thomas E. Cheney, p. 137)

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