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February 27, 2021
Purpose of the Priesthood
1 Timothy 4:12, 16
Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity . . . Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.
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John Taylor
“What is this priesthood given us for? That we may be enabled to build up the Zion of our God. What for? To put down wrong and corruption, lasciviousness, lying, thieving, dishonesty, and covetousness, with every kind of evil, and also to encourage faith, meekness, charity, purity, brotherly kindness, truthfulness, integrity, honesty, and everything that is calculated to exalt and ennoble mankind, that we may be the true and proper representatives of God our Father here upon the earth, that we may learn to know his will and do it; that his will may be done on earth as in heaven” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: John Taylor, p. 122).

February 27, 2021
1846 - A severe cold spell hit Nauvoo and caused the Mississippi River to freeze over, allowing many Saints to drive their teams and wagons over the river into Iowa. For a couple of days, whole caravans of wagons could be seen crossing the river on the ice. 

For More History,Click Here!
Our Heavenly Father’s Hand in the Affairs of Nations

The history of the nations of the world, from the beginning of time, has been influenced by the righteousness of the people and the hand of the Lord. Nations rise and fall, flourish and perish, as the Lord directs. If a sparrow cannot fall without his knowing, can a nation of people expect to live independent of the Lord and His influence?


Read the Standard Works of the Church: The Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants/Pearl of Great Price, Old Testament and New Testament, in one year by following our Daily Reading Schedule.

On The Bright Side

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