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June 2, 2021
Isaiah 54:13
And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.

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George Albert Smith
“Let us bear witness in our daily acts, as well as in our conversation, that we believe this is the Father’s work and joy inexpressible will come to us, and the children that grow up in our homes will increase in faith and humility. They will be added upon, and be given power to turn aside the shafts of the adversary that are directed towards them, and in place of the distress that has afflicted the children of men, because of sinfulness, there will be comfort, peace and happiness, and … men and women will inhabit this earth who will have strength of character to put aside the evils of life” (Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith, p. 240).

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June 2, 2021
1834 - Zion’s Camp ferried across the Illinois River.  They had been threatened by their enemies, but there were no problems.  They encamped on the bank of the river.  They visited several of the ancient burial mounds built by the ancestors of the Native Americans in the area.  On top of one mound, the brethren dug the “depth of about one foot, discovered the skeleton of a man, almost entire, and between his ribs the stone point of a Lamanitish arrow, which evidently produced his death. . . . subsequently the visions of the past being opened to my understanding by the Spirit of the Almighty, I discovered that the person whose skeleton was before us was a white Lamanite, a large, thick-set man, and a man of God.  His name was Zelph. He was a warrior and chieftain under the great prophet Onandagus, who was known from the Hill Cumorah, or eastern sea, to the Rocky mountains. . . . He was killed in battle by the arrow found among his ribs, during the last great struggle of the Lamanites and Nephites” (History of the Church, 2:79-80).

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Life Lessons from the Book of Mormon

Using unique personal experiences, trusted quotes from Church leaders, and other compelling stories that touch hearts and enlighten minds, Jack Christiansen and K. Douglas Bassett have created an indispensable guidebook to life that will leave a long and lasting impression.


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On The Bright Side

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