| DAILY DEVOTIONAL November 1, 2021 Peace |
SCRIPTURE OF THE DAY Matthew 22:37-40
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Your prayers would be appreciated on behalf of the Editor of Latter-Day Light, Barton Golding. He is currently fighting to a battle with Covid 19. Thank you! www.Latterdaylight.com |
QUOTE OF THE DAY Lorenzo Snow |
We want peace in the world. We want love and good will to exist throughout the earth, and among all the people of the world; but there never can come to the world that spirit of peace and love that should exist, until mankind will receive God’s truth and God’s message unto them, and acknowledge his power and authority which is divine, and never found in the wisdom only of men. The Lord loveth peace. The doctrine of the Savior of men was “Peace on earth, good will to men,” love, love unfeigned. The greatest of all the commandments that was ever given to the children of men is: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment(Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph F. Smith, p. 400-401).
TODAY IN CHURCH HISTORY November 1, 2021 |
1838 - Near midnight, General Samuel Lucus holds a court martial and orders General Alexander Doniphan to execute the Prophet Joseph Smith and other leaders of the Church in the public square of Far West, Missouri this morning. General Doniphan refuses stating, “It is cold-blooded murder. I will not obey your order. My brigade shall march for Liberty tomorrow morning, at 8 o’clock; and if you execute these men, I will hold you responsible before an earthly tribunal, so help me God.” General Lucus reconsiders and lifts the order to execute the Prophet and others. The militia enters Far West and began to plunder houses, injuring several people and leaving many destitute. They entered into the Prophet’s home, drove his family out and then carried away most of his property. They then demanded the Saints give up all their arms, forced some to sign over their property to pay the expenses of the militia-mob, raped several women, took more prisoners, and then ordered them to leave the State of Missouri. (History of the Church, 3:190-192) |
Read the Standard Works of the Church: The Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants/Pearl of Great Price, Old Testament and New Testament, in one year by following our Daily Reading Schedule.
On The Bright Side
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