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October 25, 2020
The Family
 Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.

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Howard W. Hunter
Howard W. Hunter
“The Church has the responsibility—and the authority—to preserve and protect the family as the foundation of society. The pattern for family life, instituted from before the foundation of the world, provides for children to be born to and nurtured by a father and mother who are husband and wife, lawfully married. Parenthood is a sacred obligation and privilege, with children welcomed as a ‘heritage of the Lord’ (Ps. 127:3).(Teachings of Presidents of Church, p.221).

October 25, 2020
1838 Elder Patten ordered a charge that resulted in hand-to-hand fighting with swords, causing the mob to flee. As the mob was fleeing, one came from behind a tree and turned, firing a shot that hit Elder Patten, who fell wounded. The Saints gathered up their wounded, numbering about eleven men and returned to Far West. One brother, Gideon Carter, was killed during the fighting, Elder Patten died later in the evening at the home of Brother Winchester about three miles from Far West where he had been left as a result of his wounds. The Prophet Joseph, his brother Hyrum, and Lyman Wight, went to meet the brethren on their return and visited with Elder Patten before he died. Young Patrick O’Banion, the first person shot in the battle, also died during the evening. The total was three dead and nine wounded in the battle of Crooked River, including Elder David W. Patten, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. (History of the Church, 3:171-172)

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