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A neonicotinoid pesticide commonly used on (GM) soy and corn in North America may have significant lethal and sublethal effects on monarch butterflies, new research has revealed. The findings could offer another possible explanation for the massive decline in the North American monarch population over the last few decades. Led by University of Guelph integrative biologist Dr Ryan Norris, the two studies examined the impact to monarch caterpillars raised on milkweed treated with clothianidin, an insecticide that is coated on GM soy and corn seeds and taken up into the foliage. The studies found the caterpillars had lower survival rates than those raised on untreated milkweed. University of Guelph
Glyphosate, applied at sub-lethal doses in glyphosate-based herbicide formulations, in some cases remains in plant tissues in trace amounts after twelve years, a new study shows. Climate can influence the duration of glyphosate persistence in plant tissues. Roots retain more glyphosate than do shoots, and they retain it for a longer duration. Raspberry and blueberry fruit contained low quantities of glyphosate one year after treatment. Forest Ecology and Management
Numerous scientific insiders are signing onto the “lab origin” theory for Covid-19 and a link to controversial research funded by US tax dollars. High profile health figures who have worked to “debunk” lab origin questions are linked to funding and vaccine research partnerships with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). Award-winning investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson investigates. Sharyl Attkisson
Here's an animated video featuring the chief proponent of the zoonosis (natural spillover) theory of SARS-CoV-2's origin, Peter Daszak, singing the Elvis Presley song, "Suspicious Minds". The video also features Wuhan virologist Shi Zhengli. Reference is made to the habit of zoonosis theory advocates of blocking the comments of researchers on social media if they question the zoonosis theory or put forward the alternative theory of a lab origin. Rads @FunctionGain on Twitter

