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Our apologies that the link given to the Friends of the Earth report in the above-linked article didn't work. The correct link is:  The article on our website has been corrected.
A petition signed by 300,000+ people has been presented to the Spanish government calling on it and other governments to support an international moratorium on the extreme technology of gene drives. The deliberate modification and elimination of species poses a threat to the stability of ecosystems. Ecologistas en Acción, who helped organise the petition, commented, “The release of gene drives may have unpredictable and irreversible consequences for pollinators and food webs, already weakened by climate change and high insect mortality rates.” Ecologistas en Acción via @GMWatch on Twitter
Tens of millions of pounds’ worth of capital investment would be needed to ensure drinking water remains up to standard, if glyphosate were to continue being sold to gardeners. That was the assessment of Guernsey Water’s water quality risk manager Margaret McGuinness, as a ban on retail sales approaches. The decision not to retain the pesticide on the list of approved retail products has been taken by the Health & Safety Executive, rather than directly by Guernsey Water, but the analysis work of McGuinness’ team over several years has informed the decision. It means, when the approval ceases at the end of the month, that gardening supply stores will no longer be able to sell the popular herbicide to their customers, though the island’s 100 or so commercial users will still be allowed to spray with it. Guernsey Press
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