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A young researcher studying plant breeding for her PhD at Cornell University has just published a paper warning GMO promoters not to make overhyped claims about supposed yield gains from GM crops. Merritt Khaipho-Burch and co-authors write that despite all the GMO hype, “hardly any findings have translated into yield increases on actual farms”. That raises the question: "Why are such claims being published in the first place?" GMWatch
The vast majority – 92 percent – of Germans want new GM foods produced using techniques such as gene editing to be labelled at all times. As many as 96 percent endorse mandatory risk assessment for new GM plants. The non-GMO industry association VLOG says the German food and agriculture minister Cem Özdemir must stop the plan of the EU Commission, which wants to abolish both. VLOG
The coalition for a GM-Free India has urged the Supreme Court to pass orders that ensure implementation of the key unanimous recommendations of the SC’s Technical Expert Committee (TEC) of five independent experts, including the Government of India-nominated two scientists. The Coalition pointed out that the TEC has recommended a complete ban on herbicide tolerant crops in India, given the multiple adverse impacts of such crops in India’s agricultural production systems. GM mustard is undoubtedly a herbicide tolerant crop. In a recent Parliament reply, the government claimed that there is no need to take any consent from any state government, while it secretly planted GM mustard in 8 locations, including at PAU Ludhiana, in 2022. The Times of India
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