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It’s becoming increasingly clear that detection and identification of new GMO (new genomic techniques, NGT) plants will be possible, as long as such research continues to be supported. In a study commissioned by the German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, researchers developed methods to detect previously known mutations in gene-edited plants and made steps towards distinguishing gene-edited plants from conventional ones with the same mutation. That means, in the words of an article from the Swiss Alliance for Agriculture Without Genetic Engineering, “Refusing to regulate new genetic engineering processes on the pretext that their detection is too difficult, if not impossible, as the agricultural industry and some of the scientific and political circles linked to it constantly assert, is... no longer defensible in good conscience.” Swiss Alliance for Agriculture Without Genetic Engineering and German Federal Office for Agriculture and Food, via GMWatch
The CEO of Bayer, the firm that supplied heroin, Zyklon B, HIV-tainted Factor VIII, Baycol, Essure, and neonics and took on liability for PCBs, Agent Orange, Roundup, and dicamba, says being held accountable for their harm is the biggest threat to innovation. GMWatch comment on X on an article in St Louis Business Journal
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