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Arkansas farmer Adam Chappell can’t grow non-GMO soybeans any more. That’s because other farmers in his area are growing GMO soybeans that are tolerant to dicamba herbicide. The controversial weedkiller is prone to drift—turning from a liquid to a gas when sprayed, drifting across other farm fields, and killing other crops including Chappell’s non-GMO soybeans. “I can’t grow non-GMO soybeans anymore, and it’s a shame because it’s knocked me completely out of my non-GMO markets,” he says. Instead, Chappell has been forced to grow GMO dicamba tolerant soybeans — just to protect his farm. For the past four or five years, Chappell’s non-GMO soybeans have been increasingly damaged by dicamba drift from neighbouring farms. “All I grow is dicamba tolerant soybeans. I can’t grow anything else,” he says. “Anybody that doesn’t grow dicamba tolerant soybeans has that problem.” Organic & Non-GMO Report, via GMWatch
ADM has announced that it has reached an agreement to acquire Vandamme Hungaria Kft and its related entities, which operate a 700 metric ton/day non-GM crush and extraction facility in Hungary. "The enduring global trends of food security and sustainability are driving demand for non-GM products, with 60% of consumers in a European survey saying that non-GM is a claim they like to see on product packaging, and ADM is investing to ensure we can meet this growing demand," said Sebastian Kuck, ADM's general manager of EU soybean crush. Feedstuffs
Contamination of key Los Angeles waterways such as the Santa Monica Bay, Los Angeles Harbor and Echo Park Lake due to the spread of toxic chemicals is at the heart of a $35-million settlement between the L.A. City Council and agriculture giant Monsanto and two smaller companies. The City Council announced the payout by the companies to settle a lawsuit filed in 2022 over damage from long-banned chemicals called PCBs, which have been linked to health problems including cancer. LA Times
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