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Just four years after its first “harvest” of GM Atlantic salmon in Canada, the US biotechnology company AquaBounty is selling its on-land GM fish factory at Rollo Bay, Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada. Local community groups have confirmed that AquaBounty’s factory is now closed. “We never wanted genetically modified salmon and we’re relieved the company has shut down production,” said Sharon Labchuk of Earth Action PEI. AquaBounty is not currently producing any GM salmon. AquaBounty owes $2.2 million to the Government of PEI from a loan provided to assist construction of the building that is now for sale. In total, over $8 million was invested by the federal and provincial governments through multiple grants and loans. “Millions of our public money was wasted to support this worthless, dangerous genetically modified fish,” said Leo Broderick of The Council of Canadians-PEI Chapter, which is also a member of the coalition GMO Free PEI that fought to stop the GM salmon in PEI. GMWatch
Today in the Dutch daily Trouw, Wageningen University has said it regrets its paid collaboration with pesticide lobby Croplife, which helped them to destroy the EU Farm to Fork initiative and pesticide reduction law. Nina Holland of Corporate Europe Observatory commented on X: "Important, but too late. Huge damage to environment, farmers health, is done." Nina Holland @nina_holland on X
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