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An anonymous scientist has published a detailed article arguing that SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing the COVID-19 pandemic, is a genetically engineered lab creation. What’s more, the author argues that the particular bat coronavirus from which SARS-CoV-2 is claimed to have naturally emerged – dubbed RaTG13 – is a fabrication. In other words, the author says the “natural origin” for the virus was made up in a desperate attempt to let those responsible for the lab escape off the hook. GMWatch
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is holding a public consultation on plants developed with new methods of genetic engineering (genome editing). The EFSA draft document looks at changes made to the genome using tools such as CRISPR/Cas, but without the insertion of additional gene sequences. Testbiotech has concluded that the published draft suffers extensively from not taking numerous relevant publications and important scientific findings into account. EFSA gives the impression that new methods of genetic engineering do not pose any new challenges for risk assessment simply because no additional genes are inserted. However, taking a closer look at the EFSA arguments, they seem to be largely shaped by ignorance of the most relevant facts. GMWatch
While most of the world is on hold, councils across the UK are still carrying out some of their work, including weed control. That means, unfortunately, that many are still spraying herbicides on our streets, pavements, verges, playgrounds and other urban green spaces, even when the general population is in lockdown. But if you have the time and energy there are lots of ways you can campaign to make your area pesticide-free from home! Whether you have already been running a Pesticide-Free Towns campaign for a while, or you’re looking to get one started, here is a quick guide on ways you can campaign to end pesticide use in your local area from the comfort of your own home. Pesticide Action Network UK

