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The journal Nature has drawn attention to three scientific papers showing that the use of the gene-editing tool CRISPR–Cas9 to modify human embryos can induce large unwanted changes to the genome at or near the target site. Nature titled its article, "CRISPR gene editing in human embryos wreaks chromosomal mayhem". The findings have implications for the safety (or otherwise) of gene-edited foods and crops. GMWatch
Transhumanists are no strangers to controversy. How could they be when Jeffrey Epstein numbered himself among their longstanding adherents and hefty financial backers? But the ructions that have just rocked the US Transhumanist Party (USTP) over its 2020 Presidential candidate have been remarkable. Transhumanists are extreme technophiles who want to use genetic engineering and other extreme technologies, including neural interfaces with machines, in order to “enhance” themselves in pursuit of what they call “humanity 2.0”, “humanity plus” or “posthumanity”. But now the Party has been shaken by accusations that it “nominated a literal cannibal” as its candidate for the Oval Office. GMWatch
A study at Purdue University has found that if organic farmers get 100 percent premiums and keep their yield drag to one-third of conventional, they tend to be more profitable than conventional growers. GMWatch comment on article in The Western Producer

