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Brazil's wheat association Associação Brasileira da Indústria do Trigo, or Abitrigo, Oct. 14 warned in a statement against the conditional approval of a drought-tolerant transgenic wheat variety in Argentina, saying Brazilian millers may halt purchases of Argentina wheat if the crop successfully arrives in the market. S&P Global Platts
After several years of low corn rootworm populations, the "billion-dollar bug" is catching eyes again in the Corn Belt. Populations of both western and northern corn rootworm are rebounding after a mild winter and favorable egg hatch conditions this year, and they're bringing some bad habits along: growing resistance to Bt toxins. DTN Progressive Farmer
The Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN ) has published a tribute to farmer Percy Schmeiser, who died on 13 October. Percy became famous through standing up to Monsanto in court over patent infringement. CBAN

