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Elevated prices for replacement parts and a shortage of technicians are among the factors that will likely offset any decrease in auto... | |
YREKA, Calif. (AP) -- Two bodies were found inside a charred vehicle in a driveway in the wildfire zone of a raging California blaze that... | |
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- Another round of storms hit disaster areas in eastern Kentucky Monday and the death toll rose to 30 as search and... | |
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -- The federal government on Monday announced proposed new regulations that would force food processors to reduce... | |
The Mississippi Supreme Court ruled in April, on first impression, that an automobile did not need to be in motion for an "auto accident"... |
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) -- New state rules require access to water, shade and breaks on hot days, but workers say they're still laboring in... |
Two teenagers have been charged with arson for allegedly setting a May fire at a shuttered suburban Chicago resort that took firefighters... |
Connecticut's Bond Commission approved $20 million in borrowing Friday for the purchase of equipment designed to help prevent drivers... |