Top stories in higher ed for Friday
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Lumina Foundation is committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.
October 2, 2020
Clapping Emojis Instead of Campus Rallies
Kery Murakami, Inside Higher Ed
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Thirty-some days before the election, emotions are running high. Polls show younger voters, including college students, are planning to vote in far higher numbers than in the last presidential election. 

But a campaign being held during a pandemic looks and sounds different on college campuses. The fervor is still there. But this year, emotions are being expressed through the silent thumbs-up or clapping emojis appearing on the screens at Zoom campaign rallies.

With Most California College Campuses Virtual This Year, a Select Few Are In-Person
Ashley A. Smith, EdSource
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While nearly all courses are being taught virtually across the California public college and university systems, some courses can only be taught in-person; but there’s nothing normal about how those classes are being held.

'A Family Affair': Others Often Chip In to Help Pay Off Student Loans
Adedayo Akala, NPR
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Many people with student loans aren't carrying the burden of their debt alone. The mountain of debt weighs down their families, too.

A new study says 40 percent of student loan payers are helping someone else pay off their student loans. And 27 percent of these helpers hold no student loan debt themselves.

The Pandemic Exposes Just How Much Support College Students Need
Kevin Kruger and Dave Jarrat, The Hechinger Report
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The pandemic has upended the college experience for a generation of students and higher education professionals. The needs, concerns, and aspirations of students are shifting. Now, more than ever, students are turning to their institutions’ support services for guidance. 

That means colleges and universities must fully address longstanding gaps in the student support experience—gaps that many in student affairs have already been working to close.

How the SAT Failed America
Susan Adams, Forbes
‘We Want to Be There’: UC Berkeley Students Help Peers Find Resources
Anishi Patel and Kate Fineman, The Daily Californian
How to Support Students Through the Online Transition
Kayla Krupnick Walsh and Marc Singer, The EvoLLLution
Blog: Holistically Measuring Student Success
Melissa Blankstein, Ithaka S+R
Federal Student Aid Eyeing a Restructure, Plans to Rollout New Digital Tools as Part of Ambitious Five-Year Plan
Owen Daugherty, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Webinar: The PLA Boost: Results From a 72-Institution Targeted Study of Prior Learning Assessment and Adult Student Outcomes
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education and the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
Webinar: The New Shape of Work
The Chronicle of Higher Education
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