Top stories in higher ed for Monday
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Lumina Foundation is committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.
October 5, 2020
Colleges Learn How to Suppress Coronavirus: Extensive Testing
Shawn Hubler, The New York Times
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As college campuses across the country struggle to carry on amid illnesses and outbreaks, a determined minority are beating the pandemic—at least for the moment—by holding infections to a minimum and allowing students to continue living in dorms and attend face-to-face classes.

Why 3,000 People Are Still Waiting for Maryland’s Community College Scholarship
Danielle Douglas-Gabriel, The Washington Post
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After a lackluster inauguration, Maryland’s community college scholarship rebounded with an influx of applicants this year. But funding for the tuition-free program fell victim to the coronavirus pandemic as the state scrambled to cover the cost of combating the coronavirus.

Now, a program that barely registered with residents in its first year has nearly 3,000 people on a waitlist in its second—and $3.5 million less to spend.

An Interview With Dr. Stella Flores: Policies to Ensure Equitable Access to Well-Resourced Colleges and Universities
Heidi Booth and James Dean Ward, Ithaka S+R
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A leading expert on higher education policy discusses why qualified students do not apply to or enroll in selective institutions that match their academic ability—and how state policymakers can change this trajectory. 

Steady SAILS During the Pandemic
Marcia Ballinger, Community College Daily
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When the coronavirus arrived, Lorain County Community College was challenged—like all institutions of higher education—to quickly transition to a virtual campus. In a matter of 10 days, the entire college moved more than 1,000 in-person courses on-line.

But how would this pivot affect the school's comprehensive student success program, which is so dependent on the close relationships built between advisers and students?

Community Colleges That Made the Call Early
Madeline St. Amour, Inside Higher Ed
COVID-19 Strains Town-Gown Relations. What Can University Leaders Do?
Sara Weissman, Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Moms, Black Americans, and Educators Are in Trouble as Economic Recovery Slows
Andrew Van Dam and Heather Long, The Washington Post
Four HBCU Leaders Chart a Course for a Vibrant Future
Matt Zalaznick, University Business Magazine
The University of Texas at Austin Earns 2020 Seal of Excelencia
Katti Gray, Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Not Letting Students Choose Their Roommates Can Make College a Drag
Kevin Fosnacht, Polly Graham, and Robert Gonyea, The Conversation
Webinar: What Matters Is What You Know, Not How You Learned It: Sharing Research Findings on the Impact of Prior Learning Assessment
Council for Adult and Experiential Learning and Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
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