Top stories in higher ed for Thursday
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Lumina Foundation is committed to increasing the proportion of Americans with high-quality degrees, certificates and other credentials to 60 percent by 2025.
October 15, 2020
Did the Pandemic Worsen the Campus Mental-Health Crisis? Maybe Not, Data Show
Sarah Brown, The Chronicle of Higher Education
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As the pandemic disrupted collegiate life, mental-health experts feared a worsening crisis. They worried that counseling centers would be overwhelmed by demand, resulting in longer wait times and less effective treatment for students who are struggling and at risk of dropping out.

But early data from campus counseling centers challenge the idea that colleges are on the brink of a mental-health disaster. 

Homeless Families Struggle With Impossible Choices as School Closures Continue
Cory Turner, NPR
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The closure of school buildings in response to the coronavirus has been disruptive and inconvenient for many families, but for those living in homeless shelters or hotel rooms—including roughly 1.5 million school-aged children—the shuttering of classrooms and cafeterias has been disastrous.

Students, parents, caregivers, shelter managers, and school leaders across the country reflect on what it means, in this moment, to be homeless and schoolless.

Podcast: An Unprecedented Upskilling Challenge
Ramona Schindelheim, Work in Progress
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The COVID-19 pandemic has taken an economic toll on America’s workers, with many trying to reorient themselves in the face of an uncertain future.

A coalition called SkillUp aims to attack the jobs crisis on many fronts, providing career navigation, training programs, and job opportunities so frontline workers can secure their place in the economy of tomorrow. SkillUp's Josh Jarrett explains more in this podcast. 

What’s at Stake for Higher Ed in the Election?
The Chronicle Review
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With the 2020 election fast approaching amid a pandemic that shows no signs of abating, The Chronicle Review reached out to scholars and academic leaders from across the political spectrum to ask: What’s at stake for higher education in the election?

This is what they said matters—and why.

Workers' 'Human Skills' Will Still Be Critical, Post-Pandemic
Nadia Ramlagan, Tennessee Public News Service
Colleges and Universities Encourage Voter Turnout
Walter Hudson, Diverse Issues in Higher Education
Study Finds Black Borrowers More Likely to Never Be Able to Pay Off Student Debt, Less Likely to Receive Outside Help
Owen Daugherty, National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
The Deep Roots of the STEM Gender Gap
Brent Orrell and Matthew Leger, RealClearPolicy
What Works: College Strategies for Reducing Student Loan Default
Association of Community College Trustees and the Institute for College Access and Success
Partnerships to Align Education and Careers
Southern Regional Education Board
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