“I Didn’t Know I Could Do That”: Surprising Business Solutions Using Google Apps Script

Featured Cloud IT Live Session: “I Didn’t Know I Could Do That”: Surprising Business Solutions Using Google Apps Script

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October 25-26, 2016


Is Twitter's Dead Developer Conference Another Nail in Its Coffin?

CIO | @Jack and the folks over at Twitter are not having a good year. Instead of Twitter Flight 2016, the company will host "small regional meetups."

These Free Ransomware Decryption Tools Have Rescued Data from 2,500 Locked Devices

ZDNet | A big thank you to the No More Ransom project, which launched three months ago and provides free decryption tools.

The 10 Most Damaging Security Breaches of 2016

Mike Carthy | There are several hacks on this list I wasn't even aware occurred. And I look for articles like these every day! Hacks happen far too often.

And the Winner of Our 100th Daily Monitor Contest Is...

BetterCloud Monitor | We asked you to submit stories about how you used BetterCloud Monitor content in your organization. We picked seven finalists and let you decide who should win the prize: the HTC Vive VR headset. You voted--and the winner is...



Get Wikipedia Data Right In Google Sheets

BetterCloud Monitor | Here’s a cool way to combine the power of Wikipedia with Google Sheets. The Wikipedia Tools add-on for Sheets adds in Wikipedia custom functions, so you can bring data from Wikipedia right into Sheets.

ICYMI: 4 Tools to Beef Up Your Google Security

BetterCloud Monitor |To make sure your sensitive information is properly secured, it’s very important to take steps to protect all of your accounts (Google related or not). Here are four of our favorite tools to secure your Google accounts and domains.



SaaS Updates for October 18, 2016

Google showcased two integrations that Salesforce built on top of G Suite: Salesforce Lightning for Gmail and Sales Cloud integration with Google Sheets. Box launched The Hollywood Cloud Chronicles, a series of discussions with CIOs and IT professionals about the impact of technology on the entertainment business. Trello introduced a new Trello community on Slack.


Hello from the other side (of your screen),

Scott, Christina, and Andrew

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