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How CPAs Can Help Small Business Clients Beyond Just the PPP

(Accounting Web) - The speed and scope of the impact of COVID-19 has upended even extremely successful small businesses. But most of them just need some breathing room to weather this difficult time and resume operations once the pandemic passes.

2020 Business Outlook Survey

AccountantsWorld is conducting an important, brief survey about the business outlook in 2020 for both accounting firms and their clients, and we invite all accountants serving SMB clients to participate. Your responses will be kept confidential, but we'll share aggregate results with you in a few weeks to help you gauge your practices and shape your business decisions moving forward. Take our 4-minute survey

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CARES Act Changes Rules for Business Interest Deductions 
(CPA Practice Advisor) - The new Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act provides some much-needed relief for businesses hindered by a cap on business interest deductions. Icing on the cake: The tax changes are retroactive to 2019.

Excel: How to Create Simple and Dependent Drop-down Lists 
(PC World) - Drop-down lists in Microsoft Excel (and Word and Access) allow you to create a list of valid choices that you or others can select for a given field. This is especially useful for fields that require specific information.

The Death of Traditional Accounting 
(Accounting Today) - What once was considered the optimal means of processing financial data manually using spreadsheets now seems as archaic and risky as driving with a map in one’s hand.

How to Train Your Mind for High-Pressure Situations, According to an Olympic Coach 
(Inc.) - How a peak performance psychologist trains Juilliard musicians, elite dancers, and Olympic athletes to do well under the spotlight.

Pandemic Throws Global Economy into Deeper Decline 
(Reuters) - Global economic activity all but ground to a halt this month as government-imposed lockdowns due to the coronavirus pandemic took a particularly heavy toll on the world’s service industry, surveys showed on Thursday.

Finally: hassle-free payroll processing

The key to a profitable payroll practice is automation. Payroll Relief makes payroll processing hassle-free because processing tasks are handled automatically, on time, and with 100% guaranteed accuracy on computations. <br><br><b>See how in our free webinar.</b>

Write-up can be 30-40% more profitable

Want to reduce data entry by 70%-80% and spread write-up work throughout the year to reduce tax time crunch? With Accounting Power, you're finally in full control of your write-up engagements. Schedule a live demo.

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At AccountantsWorld, we value the crucial role that YOU play in core business services - accounting and payroll - just as much as you do.

That's why, since 2003, we've used the unprecedented power of the cloud to put you back in full control of your accounting and payroll services so you can best serve your clients, while raising your own firm's value and relevance. And we never sell our products or services directly to your clients.

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Payroll Relief
Accounting Power
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