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Lesson From The Tax Court: Jurisdiction To Determine Jurisdiction
(TaxProf Blog) - But Courts have an Ace up their collective sleeves: they have the power determine their own power. Why? Because federal statutes must be interpreted and the power of the courts to “say what the law is” includes the very laws that give federal courts power.
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Value Beyond the Numbers: How to Grow with Your Clients
(Accounting Today) - Ask any business owner and they’ll tell you that keeping happy customers around is a much more cost-effective way of doing business than finding new ones.
7 Marketing Tips to Attract Real Estate Pros and Brokers
(CPA Practice Advisor) - Here are some tips you can use to not only draw interest toward your brand, but to also increase leads on a one-on-one basis.
The Best Free Password Managers
(PC Mag) - A password like 123456 may be easy to remember, but it is also equally easy to hack.
On Presidents Day, A Look at How Much Influence Presidents Have on Your Taxes
(Forbes) - “Read my lips: no new taxes.” Those few words, uttered by then-American presidential candidate George H. W. Bush at the 1988 Republican National Convention on August 18, became a hallmark of Bush’s presidency.

The Accountant