AccountantsWorld Daily News
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Standard Mileage Rates, Depreciation Amounts Updated
(JofA) - The IRS issued guidance on the standard mileage rates and depreciation limits that were changed by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
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Reporting on Audits Conducted Under Dual Standards
(CPA Journal) - As noted by the PCAOB in its Release 2017-001: “there are situations in which an auditor may be required by law or regulation, or voluntarily…
Looking for Better Candidates? Upgrade Your HR Department With These High-Tech Tools
(Inc.) - From sleuthing candidates not actively on the job market to stripping unconscious bias from your search, these new artificial intelligence tools will give your HR department a high-tech upgrade.
IRS Provides Info on Tax Reform Changes to Moving, Mileage and Travel Expenses
(Accounting Today) - The Internal Revenue Service offered information Friday about changes from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the rules for moving expenses, vehicle expenses and unreimbursed employee expenses, along with higher depreciation limits for some vehicles.
Seven Gadgets that Will Survive a Trip to the Beach
(PC Mag) - A number of gadgets don't play nice with sand and water; one big wave can ruin a device that cost you hundreds of dollars.

Unknown Sequoia National Park