AccountantsWorld Daily News
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What Is The Best Business Entity To Pay The Least Taxes?
(Forbes) - Many small business owners put off choosing a business entity. It can be a hassle and will likely cost money for an attorney and fees to register with the state.
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What’s Next for Online Sales Tax and How to Prepare Your Small Business Clients
(CPA Practice Advisor) - This summer the Supreme Court ruled that states have the authority to require businesses to collect online sales tax on purchases even if the business does not have a physical presence in the state.
Supersonic Air Travel is Back, But Where Has it Been?
(The Verge) - You might not remember, but there used to be a jet called the Concorde that had a cruising speed of 1,354 mph, which is twice the speed of sound. New York City to London, typically a seven-hour flight, only lasted three-and-a-half hours on the Concorde.
New IRS Commissioner Brings Practitioner’s Perspective to Role
(JofA) - As the IRS’s new top administrator, Charles Rettig will focus on maintaining and building ties with practitioners, he told CPAs at the AICPA National Tax Conference in Washington on Tuesday.
What Denver Learned During its Failed 14-month Courtship of Amazon
(Denver Post) - Mile High region not able to compete with East Coast cities’ larger talent pool.

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