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Thursday, 02 August 2018 | 01:11
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Maximum ESI discount doubled for ships with ESI certificates and LNG


For some years Port of Amsterdam has been giving discounts on port dues to vessels listed in the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) that have attained an ESI score of 20 points or higher. As of 1 August, we will be

ESAI Energy Sees Ample Crude Supplies


In its recently released five-year Global Crude Oil Outlook, ESAI Energy projects healthy non-OPEC supply growth to 2023. Three trends underscore the expectation that non-OPEC crude and condensate supply will increase by an average of 1 million b/d per annum

As we’ve entered the month of summer holidays for many, demolition activity has kept its lackluster performance. In its latest
Imagine walking into a car rental company in order to take delivery of a car you booked for your holidays.
The medium term outlook for global container port demand growth is positive thanks to strong underlying economic momentum across the
Long ago, an executive promoting U.S. LNG exports told me that Japan should buy U.S. LNG because the trade deficit
After the recent oil spill disaster of the Bow Jubail in the Port of Rotterdam, Fleet Cleaner has stepped up
Christophe de Margerie, the icebreaking LNG carrier owned and operated by Sovcomflot (SCF Group), has crossed the Northern Sea Route
Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL; President & CEO: Junichiro Ikeda) announced today that on July 31st, the LNG carrier, LNG
Iraq’s oil exports from the southern ports on Gulf averaged 3.543 million barrels per day (bpd) in July, above the
OPEC’s crude output increased last month as Saudi Arabia pumped near-record volumes to make good on a pledge to consumers
AB Klaipėdos nafta (hereinafter – KN, the Company) announces the unaudited financial results for the six months ended 30 June
Fujairah Oil Industry Zone on Wednesday published, via industry information service S&P Global Platts, the following weekly inventory data for
Exports of Malaysian palm oil products for July 1 to 31 fell 3.9 percent to 1,030,909 tonnes from 1,073,224 tonnes
In the first half of 2018, AO Sea Port of St. Petersburg (SP SPb, a company of UCL Holding) handled
Kuwait’s oil minister said on Wednesday that the global oil market was approaching stability based on current production levels after
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