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Tuesday, 07 August 2018 | 01:10
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V.Group announces new model of technical management with ‘Fleet Cell of the Future’


V.Group, the leading global marine and offshore vessel management and support services provider, today announced the launch of its groundbreaking Fleet Cell of the Future, a prototype for the future of technical management and marine support services.

This new operational design

The bankability of LNG import terminals


The liquefied natural gas (LNG) sector is booming. According to Bloomberg, global LNG consumption will increase by 65% by 2030 and it is expected that most growth in LNG demand will come from emerging LNG markets in Africa, China, South

Cargo supply for VLCC tonnage in the Middle East picked up considerably during the course of the past week. In
Over the past ten years LNG has become a popular form of transporting energy over large distances. DNV GL’s advisory
U.S. President Donald Trump claims that his tariffs on trade are “working big time”, but this ignores signs that the
A major investment in new frigates and submarines by the Australian government has created long-term opportunities for UK and European
ABS published the ABS Guide for Material Requirements for Higher-Ductility Hull Structural Steel Plates and Sections, providing requirements for the
Braemar Shipping Services plc, a leading international provider of broking, financial, consultancy, technical and logistics services to the shipping, marine,
In three months’ time, U.S. sanctions on Iran are due to enter into force that could drive the Persian Gulf
Iraqi Oil Minister Jabar al-Luaibi said oil prices are approaching stability, the al-Sabah state newspaper reported on Monday. Iraq plans to
Some U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) news this past week was indeed bleak. Previously exempt from the trade spat, China
Japan’s Cosmo Oil Co bought gasoline from Singapore to plug a supply gap due to refinery maintenance, four traders said
Azerbaijani state oil company SOCAR will begin delivery of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Pakistan in the coming months, Pakistan
Oil exports from the Shahid Bahonar port in the south of Iran has increased by 40% over the past four
The United States wants as many countries as possible to cut their imports of Iranian oil to zero, a senior
Mombasa port, which has been in operation since the 18th century, has grown over time and contributes more than 40
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