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Tuesday, 21 August 2018 | 01:44
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The port district of Houston-Galveston became a net exporter of crude oil in April


The U.S. port district of Houston-Galveston in Texas recently began exporting more crude oil than it imported for the first time on record. Crude oil exports from the Houston-Galveston port district have increased since the restrictions on U.S. crude oil

Oil and Gas: on the cusp of a digitally fuelled new era


The industry has a chance to move from incremental, digitally driven operational improvements to a broader embrace of digital technologies.

For most of this decade, the Oil and Gas industry has not taken advantage of the opportunities that derive from meaningfully

A.P. Moller – Maersk and Royal Vopak, an independent tank storage operator active in the heart of Rotterdam's bunker environment,
An IMO working group meeting has developed a ship implementation plan (SIP) supported by information documents as part of the
AET Inc Limited formally agreed its first contract with Brazil Shipping Limited 1 (“Shell”) to time charter one new-build dynamic
Maritime Association of Nationwide Shipping Agencies – India has welcomed the JNPT chairman’s decision to levy penalty on defaulting stakeholders
Contecon Guayaquil, International Container Terminal Services, Inc.'s (ICTSI) largest port project in Latin America, renewed its support and commitment to
The construction of Indonesia’s Patimban Port will start this month, Singaporean newspaper The Straits Times has reported. According to an article
Australian Industrial Energy (AIE) has secured a critical component of its Port Kembla Gas Terminal. The Floating Storage and Regasification
Vietnam has decided to scrap the proposed $477m My Xuan port, citing delays in construction, according to official media. Developer Taiwan’s
Conserving oil is no longer an economic imperative for the U.S., the Trump administration declares in a major new policy
Iraq’s Basra Oil Company and Chevron signed an agreement to start oilfield development, with plans for a new energy company
A federal judge has ordered the U.S. State Department to conduct a more thorough review of the Keystone XL oil
Well construction specialist, DeltaTek Global continues its upward trajectory during 2018, with the award of a two-year contract from Aberdeen-based
Azinor Catalyst Limited (“Catalyst”), the Seacrest Capital Group-backed E&P company focused on the UK Continental Shelf, is pleased to announce
Oil futures rose on Monday after weeks of declines, as investors grew more concerned about an expected fall in
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