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Monday, 27 August 2018 | 01:37
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Tanker Market: VLCCs On China Route Higher


Weather delays in the East and increased cargo avails pushed up rates six points to peak at WS 58.5 to China, and WS 55.5 was agreed for South Korea, all basis 270,000mt. There is now a softer sentiment, with

Growing Pains Hit Intra Asia Port Productivity


Some ports serving Intra-Asia trades have become victims of their own success as growing volumes have led to congestion and delays.

The Intra-Asia market is forecast to grow in the range of four to six percent in 2018 when compared to

As if tanker owners didn't have enough on their plate already, the US-China trade war is actively damaging one of
33 new LNG ships have been ordered so far this year, compared to 19 in the whole of 2017 and
With fuel and renewable sources of energy powering ships across the world’s oceans, the cost of these are a major
World oil indexes have turned into upward evolution last few days. Market is currently very much focused on the demand
A tanker with 19 crew members on board has docked at a port in Togo after going missing for over
Distinct rise in railborne container transport – more conventional general cargo again, less bulk cargo – container throughput slightly lower In
Odfjell SE reported its results for Second Quarter 2018. The results reflect the impact of the sale of the Rotterdam
As an island nation, the effectiveness of the UK's supply chains depends on reliable port infrastructure, writes James Leeson, Head
India’s Crude oil production during July, 2018 was2896.24 TMT which is 6.66% lower than target and 5.39% lower when compared
Say Detroit, and people think cars. Houston is no different. The city’s oil and gas industry is a broad reflection
A much-anticipated shipping revolution could spark a dramatic upswing in diesel fuel demand over the coming months, energy analysts have
U.S. energy companies cut nine oil drilling rigs this week, the biggest reduction since May 2016, following a recent decline
Trinidad and Tobago will continue to ship super-chilled natural gas all over the world, with a little help from Venezuela. President
Colombia’s Ecopetrol SA plans to expand its oil and gas reserves through acquisitions, while also increasing its presence in the
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