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Wednesday, 23 December 2020 | 14:20
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Shipowners should use pandemic downtime to retrofit


The coronavirus crisis has seen different segments in the maritime industry retrofitting their vessels with more efficient and clean technologies.

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a diverse impact on the maritime industry. While some shipowners struggle to maintain operations and are

Ningbo Containerized Freight index soars in November


From January to November, the Container throughput of Chinese ports remains same Compared with the same month last year, and the Ningbo Containerized Freight index (NCFI) keep significant rises in December

From January to November 2020, the cargo volume of Chinese

As the year draws to a close, Korean shipbuilders are making a last-minute effort to increase their order intake. Korea Shipbuilding
On 17 December, my colleagues and I were thrilled to be welcomed onboard the Yara Birkeland, the world's first fully
In the weekly release, Baker Hughes Company BKR reported an increase in the U.S. rig count. More on the Rig Count Baker
A made-up fuel introduced this year into the world’s largest ships has been found to contain serious flaws. It is currently
British wholesale gas prices rose on Tuesday morning, lifted by forecasts for colder weather from tomorrow and lower liquefied natural
Asia’s refining margins for jet fuel dipped on Tuesday but remained within close sight of multi-month highs touched last week,
The appetite for green maritime technology is truly a global opportunity for the British economy, and 2021 will see demand
While the UK officially exited the European Union on January 31, the impact of its departure has yet to fully
NxtPort is making a major step in its growth and is expanding internationally. Around a thousand international users are now using
China has issued the first batch of crude oil import quotas for non-state companies at 122.59 million tonnes in 2021,
The Skandia Gateway project in Gothenburg has reached a crucial milestone. The environmental impact assessment has been completed, and documents
The oil market has rallied almost 40% in the last two months, pushing benchmarks to nine-month highs, in a euphoric
The Tarim Oilfield of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China’s leading oil and gas producer, on Monday saw its 2020
Cyprus’ Natural Gas Public Company (DEFA) has completed the first phase tender process for securing the supply of Liquefied Natural
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