MND NewsWire - 11:49AM
The nation's mortgage delinquency rate is inching closer to its pre-pandemic level as early stage delinquencies improve. CoreLogic says that in March of this year 4.9 percent of all ...
Mortgage Rate Watch - 3:54PM
Mortgage rates haven't been in the habit of making epic swings recently. That's not a bad thing considering they continue to operate in very low territory in historical terms. For the ...
Community Commentary - 4:07PM
Fannie Mae announced a new refinance program “RefiNow”, effective June 5th , designed to provide greater loan flexibilities for low income borrowers, particularly those ...
MBS Commentary - 10:24AM
A short squeeze occurs when bond yields fall to levels that force short sellers to cover their positions ( read more here , if that didn't make sense), and it's one of the key reasons ...