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Monday, 23 July 2018 | 01:16
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Tankers: VLCC Rates Easing


Rates from ME Gulf eased down a point to WS 45.5/46 basis 270,000mt to China, although, there is now a report of Shell paying WS 48 to Rizhao. Singapore discharge was fixed by SPC at WS 49. For USG

Powering ships with plastic in Amsterdam


In the Port of Amsterdam, a new factory is being built that could revolutionize the way we dispose of plastic waste. Utilizing groundbreaking technology, the facility will use previously unrecyclable plastic to create fuel for diesel powered cargo ships.

The group

Despite a less than positive period for freight rates in the wet sector, asset prices haven't been all that doom
By 2020, the global shipping fleet will be required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and switch to low-sulphur
World oil indexes demonstrated biggest weekly loss in more than five months last week, and it seems that the global
The European Union (EU) has signed its largest-ever free trade agreement. This aims to boost the economies of the EU
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Saturday backed President Hassan Rouhani’s suggestion that Iran may block Gulf oil exports
Saudi Aramco is winning thanks to U.S. President Donald Trump's trade war with China. Sales of liquefied petroleum gas by the
Crude oil prices may increase further in the current cycle despite a recent correction. That’s according to Chris Wood, chief equity
Saudi Arabia rejected concerns that it's planning to oversupply global oil markets and said it will actually trim crude exports
Sudan’s Minister of State for Transport, Roads and Bridges, Ibrahim Yousef Banj, has praised Qatar’s role in developing Sudan’s Red
Since the second half of April, Russian coast guards have systemically been inspecting foreign vessels bound for and heading from
Turning to the leading role of Chabahar port in the provision of goods and staples, he said, “about 1.5 million
India today finds itself in the center of a tug of war. If the United States, a strategic partner, is
Argentina will begin exporting natural gas to Chile from October, the Argentine Energy Ministry said on Friday, following a meeting
Turkey’s biggest oil importer Tupras has cut back purchases of Iranian crude since May, when the United States said it
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