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Wednesday, 25 July 2018 | 00:54
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ABS Scrubber Advisory update addresses retrofitting existing vessels with an exhaust gas scrubber system


ABS updated the ABS Advisory on Exhaust Gas Scrubber Systems (Scrubber Advisory) providing deeper insights into installation and operational considerations for existing vessels.

“Many in the industry are still evaluating their 2020 Global Sulfur Cap compliance options, trying to determine their

EIA’s latest International Energy Outlook highlights analysis of China, India, and Africa


China, India, and Africa are three of the most populated parts of the world. Their economies collectively consume about one-third of all global energy, and their energy consumption is projected to grow faster than the rest of the world through

The need to alleviate tonnage oversupply is still a major concern among ship owners. However, over the past few weeks,
Choosing the best option to comply with the sulphur cap will be a gamble. The economic success of a shipowner’s
Firm freight outlook coupled with attractive valuation make small LPG coasters an attractive buy at the moment. LPG shipping has been
Tighter rules on shipping emissions around China’s coastlines from the start of next year is a clear sign the world’s
DP World Limited handled 35.6 million TEU (twenty-foot equivalent units) across its global portfolio of container terminals in the first
The 21,000+ TEU (20-foot equivalent unit) COSCO Shipping Universe has broken the record for China's largest container ship and is
Revenue and other income for the quarter was HK$2,789.3 million, HK$105.0 million or 3.6% below last year. Combined container throughput
The threat of military conflict between the United States and Iran is rising, threatening to shut the world’s busiest seaway
When taking a glance at the performance of investments in stocks, currencies, and commodities — which is compiled by the
A 42-day project to deepen a stretch of the Danube River to ease the passage of shipping in the most
APM Terminals Bahrain, the operator of Khalifa Bin Salman Port (KBSP) has appointed Farooq Zuberi as its new Chief Financial
China Petroleum and Chemical Corp expects to report its best quarter since 2013, based on Reuters calculations on a company
The Papua New Guinea (PNG) liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) project, operated by Exxon Mobil Corporation XOM , recently struck a
Shale gas developer Cuadrilla on Tuesday became the first operator in Britain to receive final consent from the government to
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