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Wednesday, 05 September 2018 | 02:01
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Setting the standards for the future of shipping: DNV GL releases autonomous and remotely operated ship guideline


As digitalization continues to reshape the maritime industry, the first commercial autonomous vessels are due to launch in the next several years. To help build a safety culture around these new technologies, DNV GL has released a new class guideline

Asian Demand Could Create Deficit in Global LNG Market


Growing gas demand from Asia, particularly from China, could swing the liquefied natural gas (LNG) market into a deficit by 2022-2025, Fitch Ratings says.

Market expectations of oversupply and weak gas prices have curtailed new investment activity in the sector in

It seems that ship owners are still finding their footing after the lull of the summer period, with very few
The rapidly approaching 2020 fuel sulphur cap and newly announced IMO greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction strategy have put the spotlight
ABS granted Approval in Principle (AIP) to Hudong-Zhonghua Shipbuilding's 174,000m3 GTT MARK III Flex LNG Carrier strengthening their position as
Alfa Laval is introducing a new UV reactor size to the Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 family. Optimized for 50% more
“The close relationship and comfortable communication between the two companies has enhanced HPWS's position in shipbuilding. Building high quality vessels
SafeSTS, the international lightering company owned by Future Marine Services, has formed a UAE based company, Safe STS Middle East
Improving asset performance, ensuring safe operating conditions for engines and rotating equipment and reducing operational expenditure (OPEX) through precise predictive
Transocean Ltd. and Ocean Rig UDW Inc. announced today that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement under which
The Finnish scrubber manufacturer Langh Tech has closed its largest deal so far and will deliver SOx scrubber systems for
The technology group Wärtsilä announces the introduction of its new Nacos Platinum solid state S-Band radar system. This next generation
The manual cleaning of the disk stack of mineral oil separators has been a tedious, time-consuming and dirty matter. Dismantling
The 8063TEU capacity OOCL Seoul alongside at Victoria International Container Terminal (VICT), Port of Melbourne, Australia. The vessel's arrival signals
Responding to the needs of distributors, manufacturers, shippers and logistics companies, Khalifa Industrial Zone Abu Dhabi (KIZAD) has further expanded
As oil markets show growing global supply concern, Iraq is signaling the jitters may be overdone. Output from OPEC's second-biggest producer
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