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Friday, 07 September 2018 | 01:25
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The Trade Growth Slowdown has Arrived


There is no doubt that the decline in carriers’ financials for 2018 is not just due to excess capacity and the U.S. instigated trade war but also as a result of the lower growth rate this year in demand for

Iran’s Loss, Russia’s Gain


Russia will export more crude beginning in September, with most incremental exports targeting Europe, according to ESAI Energy’s CIS Watch Crude Outlook. Russia’s higher exports will come just as European refiners cut imports of Iranian crude, turning Iran’s loss into

It’s demolition activity which will balance out – eventually – the current tonnage overhang in the tanker market, as it
Sembcorp Marine has won its biggest green technology retrofits contract to date, awarded by Maran Tankers for the installation of
LR announced during a presentation at SMM – the leading international maritime trade fair held 4-7 September in Hamburg, Germany
A new Alfa Laval PureBallast 3 Ex deckhouse solution has been validated for product tankers with Framo ballast pumps. The
The BallastMaster marineX, which GEA presented at SMM, the world’s leading trade fair for the maritime industry in Hamburg, makes
ABS granted Approval in Principle (AIP) to TECHNOLOG for an innovative liquified natural gas (LNG) fuel gas container system. “As a
Concordia Maritime has signed a contract to charter out the P-MAX tanker Stena Provence. The contract is for one year
Christensen joins Maersk Tankers from Danske Bank where he serves as interim CFO and Chief of Staff. Previously, he has
Oceanic Systems (UK) Ltd has just increased the menu of engine manufacturers which can be selected to present on the
Crude exports by Venezuela’s PDVSA have slowed after a tanker collision at its main port last month disrupted operations, adding
South Sudan expects to reach peak oil output of 350,000 barrels per day (bpd) by mid-2019 as production ramps up
Oil and gas giant Saudi Aramco is having preliminary talks with banks about a potential debt financing of up to
The Port of Southampton has been voted the best UK port in the British Cruise Awards 2018. The award was sponsored
Offshore oil and gas drilling company Seadrill Ltd said in court papers on Wednesday it must urgently remedy a payment
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