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Saturday, 08 September 2018 | 02:23
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Alfa Laval is securing future flexibility with Alfa Laval PureSOx


SOx compliance and the approaching global sulphur cap are among the marine industry's most pressing concerns. Alfa Laval is not only working to meet today's scrubber demand, but also securing long-term peace of mind for those who invest in Alfa

WinGD, VAF Instruments and Viswa Lab connect to ECO Insight


At the SMM trade fair in Hamburg, DNV GL signed partnership agreements with WinGD, VAF Instruments and Viswa Lab to work together to improve the performance of vessels. All three partners will connect to DNV GL's ECO Insight, the most

Scrubber installations, new dual-fuel engines, conversions, ballast-water treatment systems are all on the menu for ship owners looking to extend
The marine fuel supply chain is facing renewed challenges. Various port authorities have cracked down on some bunker suppliers and
TEN, Ltd (TEN) Friday reported results (unaudited) for the quarter and half-year ended June 30, 2018. Q2 2018 SUMMARY RESULTS TEN’s fleet
Brazil’s policy of setting minimum freight rates is reducing the volume of cargo at Brazilian ports as farmers and agricultural
Brazil’s state-owned oil company, one of the world’s fastest-growing energy companies, has signed a contract with Stena Bulk for the
The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) this week released the statistics on vessels, port cargo and containers for the second
Saudi Arabia has markedly increased oil exports to America, a sign OPEC’s leading producer is responding to pressure from U.S.
It’s difficult to overstate the significance of the Strait of Hormuz to the global oil industry. This narrow channel between
The UK is the third-largest maritime trading partner for the port of Antwerp. In order to be fully prepared for
An OPEC and non-OPEC technical committee will next week discuss proposals for sharing out an oil-output increase, sources familiar with
A comprehensive Stanford-led analysis in Science finds that Saudi Arabia’s crude oil production has the lowest carbon emissions per barrel
Canadian crude prices are plunging once again as repairs were completed on Alberta’s second-biggest oil sands upgrader and production surged
– Adjusted revenues down by 15.2% in a market environment that continues to be challenging – Ongoing control of operating
Algeria’s oil and gas revenue rose by 15.22 percent in the first seven months of 2018 to $22 billion, against
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