J. Krishnamurti Online

We are concerned to find out whether it is possible to find out the importance of this deep inward revolution. Time demands it; circumstances demand it; your own life demands it. The strange part of it is that there is no time. You can’t say, ‘I will eventually change; through time I will gather the energy to bring about this change.’ Time doesn’t give you energy; time takes away your energy: you grow old, you wither away. What gives you energy to pursue deeply is facing the fact, just to face the fact every day, whatever that fact is. And you will see, as you face it, out of that comes energy. Not the denial of the fact – that never gives you energy. You need tremendous energy because there are not only all the trivialities of life which one has to face and understand, but also to go beyond them. There is something else, much more significant, which demands all your attention, and that is to find out for yourself, not through words but actually, whether there is something beyond, beyond the measure of the mind, to actually find out for yourself if there is something called the immeasurable, something which is beyond death, beyond words, beyond thought.

From Public Talk 3, New Delhi, 28 January 1962

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