J. Krishnamurti Online

There is something immense, not measurable by man, not measurable by a mind that is caught in resistance, ambition, envy and greed. Such a mind can never understand this energy. There is an energy which is completely incorruptible. It can live and function in this world. Every day it can function in your office, in your family, because that energy is love. That energy, that creation, is destructive. To find that energy, you have destroyed everything around you psychologically; inwardly you have completely broken down everything that society, religion and politicians have built. So that energy is death. Death is completely destructive. That energy is love, and therefore love is destructive, not the tame thing the family has made of it, not the tame thing religions have nurtured. So, that energy is creation, not a poem that you write or something carved into marble, which is merely capacity or a gift to express something you feel. The thing we are talking about is beyond all feeling, all thought. A mind that does not find it, a mind that has not completely freed itself from society psychologically – society being ambition, envy, greed, acquisitiveness, power – do what it will, it will never find that. And we must find it because that is the only salvation for man, because only in that there is real action. That itself, when it acts, is action.

From Public Talk 8, New Delhi, 14 February 1962

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