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DAISY Planet Newsletter - June 2024

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photo of a laptop showing DAISY Webinars

DAISY EAA Webinar Series

Over the next year we will be counting down to the implementation of the European Accessibility Act with a series of informative and engaging webinars. We will be bringing together subject experts and industry leaders to guide us down the path of understanding and implementing best practices for digital publishing under the EAA. Our first webinar on Wednesday this week is an introduction to the series and the Act.
Review the first four webinars in this series.
photo of the ABC Award for Accessible Publishing

ABC Awards Nominations Open

Nominations are now open for the WIPO Accessible Books Consortium International Excellence Awards 2024. As in previous years, there are two categories for the awards, allowing both publishers and other initiatives to be celebrated for their work progressing accessibility in their respective fields.

Nominations are open until September 16th, and the winners will be announced during a ceremony in December at the Guadalajara Book Fair in Mexico.

Further details can be found on the ABC Awards Announcement page.

image of bookshelfs stacked full with a sign saying "so many books so little time"

EAA Backlist Confusion

The European Accessibility Act Directive details what is and isn't included within the Act and when it should be covered. However, with such a complex topic and lengthy document it is possible that people can interpret the content in different ways. The inclusion of backlist titles, which are publications already on the market, is one such area for confusion. In our Backlist article we explore some of the ways countries have chosen to reference backlist titles in their legislation.
montage of 3 photos showing a piece of sheet music, someone working at a computer with headphones and someone reading braille

Helping Publishers Deliver Accessible Music

The Accessible Music Publishing Action Group, led by DAISY and RNIB, is supporting the adoption of born-accessible music publishing. Our new article highlights this important work, including the development of the DAISY Engraving Guidelines which specify how notation tools should be used to create scores suitable for conversion into accessible formats, and how music publishers have begun to adopt these new practices.
Read more about our work on Accessible Music Publishing.
photo of a Paris street with Eiffel Tower in the background

DAISY Board Meeting and AGM

The DAISY Consortium board meeting and Annual General Meeting was held in May at Philanthro-Lab in the heart of Paris.
The board meeting received a report on the progress of DAISY projects and services. Board members also discussed the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence for DAISY members, the forthcoming European Accessibility Act, and had a session dedicated to the requirements of persons with dyslexia.
The general meeting dealt with the formal business required under our articles and governing regulations. This meeting decides on the membership fees, and decided to leave the fees unchanged in 2025. Alice O’Reilly from the United States Library of Congress was elected as the new Treasurer.
The next board meeting will be in Sao Paulo in November, and the AGM in 2025 will be in Amsterdam in June.
DAISY Consortium Annual Report 2023 cover

DAISY Annual Report 2023

Following approval at the DAISY AGM, the 2023 Annual Report has now been published. Providing a summary of DAISY developments and activities, as well as providing highlights from DAISY Members, the Annual Report provides a wonderful snapshot of the past year. Read the 2023 Annual Report.

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Upcoming Events

Further events are listed on the DAISY Calendar

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Just send the details to: news@daisy.org

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