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DARK Act passes Senate vote, proceeds to final debate

Group drops $2,000 on Senate floor to protest GMO bill

The Roberts/Stabenow bill to kill clear GMO labelling has passed the cloture vote in the Senate, 65 yes to 32 no. This means that there will be 30 hours of debate on the bill and then a simple vote, where they only need 51 yes votes, so this means the bill will undoubtedly pass.

More stories on this tragic development:

Update: Senate votes to proceed to final debate on GMO labeling bill

Group drops $2,000 on Senate floor to protest GMO bill
Members of the Organic Consumers Association threw money from the Senate gallery onto the floor on Wednesday to protest a vote on a bill to block states from issuing mandatory labelling laws for foods that contain GMOs. The protesters yelled "Monsanto Money" and "Sen. Stabenow, listen to the people, not Monsanto" while $2,000 fell to the floor.

Important questions remain about loopholes in GMO bill

Consumers Union press statement, 6 July 2016

The Senate today in a procedural vote moved to begin debate on the Roberts-Stabenow GMO labeling bill that would wipe out states’ ability to require GMO labeling and replace it with an ineffective federal program.

Jean Halloran, director of food policy initiatives for Consumers Union, the policy and mobilization arm of Consumer Reports, issued this statement following the cloture vote:

“We're disappointed that the Senate has pushed this bill forward when important questions remain about potential loopholes that would sharply limit its effectiveness. The FDA raised issues about language that could exempt most GMO products on the market. Moreover, this bill – which blocks state GMO labeling laws immediately -- doesn't require the USDA to establish the new national standard for two years, leaving a legal vacuum that would undermine GMO labeling already occurring in the marketplace. We urge Senators to listen to the nine out of ten consumers who support mandatory, on-package GMO labeling and oppose this bill.”

Consumers Union is urging consumers to call their Senators at 1-855-977-1770 to oppose the Roberts-Stabenow GMO labeling bill, and to support meaningful, mandatory on-package labeling for GMO foods. To learn more, visit

