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Paper: Darwin Foreshadowed Many Modern Scientific Theories

The scientists used structural biology techniques to map at high resolution how important classes of neutralizing antibodies bind to the original pandemic strain of SARS-CoV-2--and how the process is disrupted by mutations found in new variants.

Researchers have been studying a new fourth-generation reactor, pebble-bed reactors. Pebble-bed reactors use spherical fuel elements (known as pebbles) and a fluid coolant (usually a gas).

Although SARS-CoV-2 is the best-known member of the family, other seasonal coronaviruses circulate in the human population—and they are much more benign.

Combining different microscopic methods, researchers were able to visualize the oxidation of hydrogen on a single rhodium nanoparticle in real time at nanometer resolution.

Researchers have identified two enzymes responsible for protecting our skin and body's overall health from countless potential microbial intruders.

The Contaiment Hood Series from Airfiltronix are self-contained workstations that enclose

Fine needle valve controls the total flow to the equalizer manifold that gives equal gas flow to

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