Dear Dashkova Centre friends, 

We already mentioned the programme of talks by HSE Moscow scholars in our newsletter - here is the full programme of events in the attachment, with summaries for each talk. 

The events all take place in the week of 19 February, at the Dashkova Centre: 

19 February, 13.00: Memes - what they are and how to study them

20 February, 13.00: Gender equality in Russian politics

21 February, 13.00: Internal observers at Moscow elections

22 February, 13.00: Morphology - history and potential

22 February, 17.15: Populism and political culture in Russia

Please look at the full programme in the attached document. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Your Dashkova Team

The Princess Dashkova Russian Centre
The University of Edinburgh

19 Buccleuch Place

Edinburgh EH8 9LN

Tel. 0131 6 509902
