The Princess Dashkova Russian Centre warmly invites you to the following events - more details on the attached posters! 

Kataryna Wolczuk (University of Birmingham)

Ukraine, EU and Russia: the Shifting Boundaries of Order

Thursday 9 March 2017, 5.30-7.00

50 George Square, Project Room

(in collaboration with the Edinburgh Europa Institute)

Scotland-Russia Sonnets Exchange

Poets from Scotland and Russia unite to celebrate Shakespeares Sonnets as part of the UK-Russia Year of Language and Literature 2016 and global Shakespeare Lives programme.

NB The event is free but ticketed - please register via the eventbrite tickets link on the poster.

Tuesday 14 March, 6.30-8.00

50 George Square, Screening Room

(in collaboration with the British Council and the Scottish Poetry Library)

All welcome!

The Princess Dashkova Russian Centre
The University of Edinburgh

14 Buccleuch Place

Edinburgh EH8 9LN

Tel. 0131 6 509902
