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Jun 28, 2017
Data 101: Avoid drowning in the analytics data lake

Now more than ever, businesses are focusing on data collection and application in order to stay ahead in this competitive market.more…


Proof that helping people can be a total waste of time and money

No doubt you've heard the buzz-phrase that you're part of a larger team at your company. Everyone works together to make sure things are running smoothly and everyone looks out for each other. As it turns out, according to two separate studies, that approach may be taxing on IT staff- sorry, team members.more…

Protect against wave of malware that poses as an unassuming invoice

Most attacks your users fall for involve some form of executable file or macro that needs to be run.

But there s a current attack that s posing as a harmless invoice and users don t even need to click on the link.more…

A marriage, a divorce, and a tortured business relationship: One IT staffer's story

What follows is a tech staffer's story that involves a non-compete agreement, a divorce, and a dying Windows XP computer. more…

Target pays out largest multi-state settlement after breach: $18.5 million

Target has reached an agreement with 48 states related to its 2013 credit card breach that impacted 41 million Target customers.more…

Malicious invoice hits user inboxes launches attack with link hover

Most attacks your users fall for involve some form of executable file or macro that needs to be run.more…

There's a new way to create stronger passwords

You ve probably seen those password meters that tell users how strong their passwords are.

The thing is, those meters aren t as effective as they could be, say research teams from Carnegie Mellon University and Chicago University. more…

Best of 2017 Interop ITX awards

Interop has 30 years of experience in the IT field, with its trade shows held at Mumbai (India), Tokyo (Japan), London (UK) and Las Vegas each year. more…



The Hybrid IT Journey - Perspectives from the Enterprise

As the move to the cloud continues, what is the role of on-premise non-cloud IT? What lessons can be learned from the cloud journey other enterprises are making? How are enterprises managing multiple cloud and non-cloud IT environments to accelerate their digital business. In this Executive Brief, you will glean insights on these questions and others.

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2017 State of Tech Training

Training is a critical part of recruiting and retaining your tech staff. And providing the training that employees need ensures your organization can create great products, software and services in order to grow. Pluralsight recently surveyed 300 companies about their training practices. We ve combined what we learned with data from several other sources to create the new 2017 Tech Training Trends Report.

Learn more! more…