In accordance with the European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and the Organic Law we inform you that the personal data that you have facilitated has been stored in a file that is the responsibility of PRIMAVERA SOUND S.L. for the purpose of management and sending of the press releases of PRIMAVERA, Partners and associates, as well as the management of the professional relationship. The Data Protection delegate is UNIVER IURIS S.L. Your data will be stored only for as long as you are subscribed to the e-mailing. You can exercise the right to access, limitation, portability, complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Authority, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your data or to receiving the e-mailing via the e- mail or at the headquarters at C/ Roc Boronat 142, 3ª planta, 08018, Barcelona. We will reply to any enquiries. Do not hesitate to get in touch should you need to at