15 NOVEMBER 2023

Daylight Talk by Anupama Kundoo

The 2023 Daylight Talk series continues with Anupama Kundoo, Architect and Professor at Potsdam School of Architecture, Germany. Anupama Kundoo gives the Daylight Talk titled: ‘Rethinking Materiality: Human Resources and Natural Resources’ from her studio in Berlin.

Angelika Fitz, Director of the Architekturzentrum Wien, presents the talk and moderates the Q&A session.

About Anupama Kundoo

Anupama Kundoo is currently Professor at Potsdam School of Architecture, Germany. She is the recipient of the 2021 RIBA Charles Jencks award for her contribution to architectural theory, the 2021 UIA Auguste Perret Prize for architectural technology and the 2021 Building Sense Now global award of the German Sustainable Building Council. Her studios are based in Berlin in Germany, and Pune and Pondicherry in India. Kundoo’s rigorous research and experimentation in new materiality for architecture is the result of questioning basic assumptions, construction habits that humanity has adopted during the long process of industrialisation. 

Daylight Talks is a series of free, online video lectures curated by Daylight and Architecture and organised in partnership with prominent architectural schools around the world. The talks present architects and educators that are working consciously with daylight in their projects or educational programs.

‘Daylight Talks´ is organised by the VELUX Group in collaboration with individual schools of architecture and they are endorsed by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE).

The International Union of Architects (UIA) is an international non-governmental organisation based in Paris. Established in 1948, it is the only organisation representing architects across the globe working to unify architects, influence public policies on construction and development, and advance architecture in service to the needs of society.


E-mail : news@uia-architectes.org
Website : www.uia-architectes.org

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